Samuel 's Bakes Owners

About Us

Jamcy and Katrina Lingat started baking as a hobby

way back 2016 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. A hobby that

turned to a sideline business with their best selling

cake - Queso Pastillas Chiffon.

In 2018, the couple settled back to the Philippines

and decided to make their baking hobby into a

full-time business which they named after their

son, Samuel. They started to offer it with their

families, friends and eventually led to referrals and

growing number of customers.

To date, Samuel's leveled-up the game by creating

custom cakes for all occasions. The bakery also

offers classic cakes available for same-day orders

and breads for advanced orders. While the signature Queso Pastillas Chiffon Cake that launched the business remains to be the favorite among customers.

"In all things God may be glorified through

Jesus Christ. The glory and the might are his

forever and ever." 1 Peter 4:11

Our Mission

Our commitment is to provide not only best tasting customized cakes and baked products but also to create that satisfactory experience among our customers with the products they require.

Our Vison

To become a premier specialty bakeshop known in the country and globally.